On becoming OR: The legacy of PTT
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) separated from its parent company, PTT Public Company Limited (PTT), and began to operate as the flagship of PTT group. The new company’s business strategies strive to create equal and sustainable value for all stakeholders while enriching the quality of life and local economy of each community connected with OR sites.
The company operates an integrated oil and non-oil retailing platforms both in Thailand and abroad, including sale and distribution of petroleum products and other goods in retail and commercial marketing, coffee shops, other food and beverage outlets, convenience stores, and space management.
Based on a concept of ‘Retailing Beyond Fuel’, OR establishes all-in-one gas stations across the country, compounding oil and retail businesses, as well as capitalising on other secondary opportunities such as restaurants and coffee shops, to meet the needs and lifestyle demands of consumers on the road.
The ‘Inclusive Business Model’, using an operational split of 20% OR and 80% other entrepreneurs, opens the door to over 4,000 smaller entrepreneurs and yields over 85,000 jobs spread across local communities. Confident in its domestic success, OR primes itself to also integrate its corporate strategy into overseas branches.
Oil, retail and international business distinctions
The outstanding achievements of OR in oil and retail businesses, both locally and internationally, during the past decade are as follows:
- PTT Station achieves the highest market share among oil businesses for 28 consecutive years.
- PTT Lubricants achieves the highest market share among lubricant businesses for 12 consecutive years, and exports to over 40 countries around the world.
- PTT LPG Cooking Gas achieves the highest market share among LPG businesses for 27 consecutive years.
- Café Amazon, the No.1 coffee shop in Thailand, has become the coffee shop brand with the 6th most branches worldwide.
While enjoying these successes, OR has consistently pushed its growth via domestic and overseas expansions. Today, the company operates in 10 countries (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, Oman, Singapore, Malaysia, and China), all of which practice Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, ensuring that OR’s operations bring positive impacts to society.
Strategic strengths offset global pandemic
The Covid-19 crisis at the end of 2019 and its subsequent resurgence posited a number of challenges for the OR IPO. The initial OR IPO success rate had in many ways become harder to predict, and a number of people had concerns about OR’s ability as a company to expand its business during the pandemic.
Despite the difficulty of the sudden stock market decline due to the Covid-19-precipitated economic contraction, OR IPO campaign created a mega-sensation and was featured in more than 850 media contents. Within six months, “OR Official” Facebook gathered over 108,000 followers, and generated over 700,000 online engagements.
Invitation to public share ownership
OR’s public campaign developed in late 2020, materialised at the end of the year, when the company set about pursuing its IPO campaign with the concept, “TOGETHER FOR BETTERMENT”.
A majority of the OR IPO underscored the concept of “From CUSTOMER to OWNER”. The invitation to the public to take partial ownership in OR was advertised on various platforms to reach as many targeted audiences as possible. Savvy questions, such as, “Filling up the gas with us all the time—why not just own us?”, “Loving our coffee, come join us”, “Taking care of your cars is our business. Taking care of our business has to be you.” were displayed offline nationwide in PTT Stations, Café Amazon branches and on PTT Lubricants containers, along with other online spots, to promote customer loyalty and love for the brand.
The shared ownership of #ORStock, so clearly expressed, is greeted as a novel way to advertise an IPO. Usually, only information is presented in soliciting investment decision-making.
Today, OR is a top-of-mind brand among not just seasoned investors, but the general public. Several Facebook Group, such as “OR Stock Lover”, and a group discussion on other social media platforms such as “Clubhouse” continue to be active to this day.
OR IPO roadshow
OR broadcasted “OR IPO Roadshow 2021” to present notable information for IPO investment to all interested parties via Facebook Live: OR Official. The live broadcasts were viewed over 36,000 times, sending a promising signal of the IPO’s impending success.
“We believe the timing is right for OR to step into this new adventure,” commented Ms. Jiraphon Kawswat, President and Chief Executive Officer of OR. “The IPO and SET registration will surely lay down a firm business foundation and ensure long-term growth. With the concept ‘Retailing Beyond Fuel’ we pride ourselves on being a global Thai brand, and we are very happy to give everybody a chance to take ownership of the company.”
Small-lot-first SET trading allocation
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) is listed on the SET's resources industry, energy & utilities board.
OR goes public through its initial public offering (IPO) shares over a 9.5-day period, from January 24 to February 2, 2021. The purpose of the strategy is to ensure that Thais have the chance to enjoy partial ownership in the company. A small-lot-first allocation method via leading banks and online banking has been implemented to ensure transparent exchange and fair distribution to all.
IPO price surges 47% on 1st trading day
OR announced its IPO at 18 baht per share. On listing on the SET, the opening price rose to 26.50 baht per share by end of trading on the first day, an impressive increase of 47.22%. The outcome testifies to the trust investors have in OR, firmly indicating that the company is bound for success.
Fair distribution feeds IPO achievements
OR IPO was well-received by the public and earned the “public share” handle and “hottest share of the year” accolade as it made SET history by having over 500,000 minor shareholders. On the first day of trading, over 47,000 million baht of shares were sold, accounting for over 44% of all SET trading that day. The price of OR shares soon skyrocketed, putting the company on a fast track to joining the SET 50.
The recording-setting IPO raised a capital fund of over 54,000 million baht to be circulated among oil, retail, and international businesses. OR’s skyrocketing brand engagement and brand love through Twitter hashtags and Google search.

On becoming OR: The legacy of PTT
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) separated from its parent company, PTT Public Company Limited (PTT), and began to operate as the flagship of PTT group. The new company’s business strategies strive to create equal and sustainable value for all stakeholders while enriching the quality of life and local economy of each community connected with OR sites.
The company operates an integrated oil and non-oil retailing platforms both in Thailand and abroad, including sale and distribution of petroleum products and other goods in retail and commercial marketing, coffee shops, other food and beverage outlets, convenience stores, and space management.
Based on a concept of ‘Retailing Beyond Fuel’, OR establishes all-in-one gas stations across the country, compounding oil and retail businesses, as well as capitalising on other secondary opportunities such as restaurants and coffee shops, to meet the needs and lifestyle demands of consumers on the road.
The ‘Inclusive Business Model’, using an operational split of 20% OR and 80% other entrepreneurs, opens the door to over 4,000 smaller entrepreneurs and yields over 85,000 jobs spread across local communities. Confident in its domestic success, OR primes itself to also integrate its corporate strategy into overseas branches.
Oil, retail and international business distinctions
The outstanding achievements of OR in oil and retail businesses, both locally and internationally, during the past decade are as follows:
- PTT Station achieves the highest market share among oil businesses for 28 consecutive years.
- PTT Lubricants achieves the highest market share among lubricant businesses for 12 consecutive years, and exports to over 40 countries around the world.
- PTT LPG Cooking Gas achieves the highest market share among LPG businesses for 27 consecutive years.
- Café Amazon, the No.1 coffee shop in Thailand, has become the coffee shop brand with the 6th most branches worldwide.
While enjoying these successes, OR has consistently pushed its growth via domestic and overseas expansions. Today, the company operates in 10 countries (Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, the Philippines, Myanmar, Japan, Oman, Singapore, Malaysia, and China), all of which practice Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) principles, ensuring that OR’s operations bring positive impacts to society.
Strategic strengths offset global pandemic
The Covid-19 crisis at the end of 2019 and its subsequent resurgence posited a number of challenges for the OR IPO. The initial OR IPO success rate had in many ways become harder to predict, and a number of people had concerns about OR’s ability as a company to expand its business during the pandemic.
Despite the difficulty of the sudden stock market decline due to the Covid-19-precipitated economic contraction, OR IPO campaign created a mega-sensation and was featured in more than 850 media contents. Within six months, “OR Official” Facebook gathered over 108,000 followers, and generated over 700,000 online engagements.
Invitation to public share ownership
OR’s public campaign developed in late 2020, materialised at the end of the year, when the company set about pursuing its IPO campaign with the concept, “TOGETHER FOR BETTERMENT”.
A majority of the OR IPO underscored the concept of “From CUSTOMER to OWNER”. The invitation to the public to take partial ownership in OR was advertised on various platforms to reach as many targeted audiences as possible. Savvy questions, such as, “Filling up the gas with us all the time—why not just own us?”, “Loving our coffee, come join us”, “Taking care of your cars is our business. Taking care of our business has to be you.” were displayed offline nationwide in PTT Stations, Café Amazon branches and on PTT Lubricants containers, along with other online spots, to promote customer loyalty and love for the brand.
The shared ownership of #ORStock, so clearly expressed, is greeted as a novel way to advertise an IPO. Usually, only information is presented in soliciting investment decision-making.
Today, OR is a top-of-mind brand among not just seasoned investors, but the general public. Several Facebook Group, such as “OR Stock Lover”, and a group discussion on other social media platforms such as “Clubhouse” continue to be active to this day.
OR IPO roadshow
OR broadcasted “OR IPO Roadshow 2021” to present notable information for IPO investment to all interested parties via Facebook Live: OR Official. The live broadcasts were viewed over 36,000 times, sending a promising signal of the IPO’s impending success.
“We believe the timing is right for OR to step into this new adventure,” commented Ms. Jiraphon Kawswat, President and Chief Executive Officer of OR. “The IPO and SET registration will surely lay down a firm business foundation and ensure long-term growth. With the concept ‘Retailing Beyond Fuel’ we pride ourselves on being a global Thai brand, and we are very happy to give everybody a chance to take ownership of the company.”
Small-lot-first SET trading allocation
PTT Oil and Retail Business Public Company Limited (OR) is listed on the SET's resources industry, energy & utilities board.
OR goes public through its initial public offering (IPO) shares over a 9.5-day period, from January 24 to February 2, 2021. The purpose of the strategy is to ensure that Thais have the chance to enjoy partial ownership in the company. A small-lot-first allocation method via leading banks and online banking has been implemented to ensure transparent exchange and fair distribution to all.
IPO price surges 47% on 1st trading day
OR announced its IPO at 18 baht per share. On listing on the SET, the opening price rose to 26.50 baht per share by end of trading on the first day, an impressive increase of 47.22%. The outcome testifies to the trust investors have in OR, firmly indicating that the company is bound for success.
Fair distribution feeds IPO achievements
OR IPO was well-received by the public and earned the “public share” handle and “hottest share of the year” accolade as it made SET history by having over 500,000 minor shareholders. On the first day of trading, over 47,000 million baht of shares were sold, accounting for over 44% of all SET trading that day. The price of OR shares soon skyrocketed, putting the company on a fast track to joining the SET 50.
The recording-setting IPO raised a capital fund of over 54,000 million baht to be circulated among oil, retail, and international businesses. OR’s skyrocketing brand engagement and brand love through Twitter hashtags and Google search.