24 March 1950
The Return of the King
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej returned to Thailand for the first time since 1946. King Bhumibol’s 73 days in the kingdom were a momentous occasion marked by three significant events: the royal cremation of his brother, his marriage to MR Sirikit Kitiyakara, whom he met in Switzerland, and his official coronation as the King of Thailand.
King Bhumibol stepped off HMS Sri Ayuthaya at the Royal Landing on the Chao Phraya River shortly after 3pm to find hundreds of thousands of loyal subjects waiting to greet him. The King, accompanied by his fiancée, had travelled to Thailand on the Dutch steamer Selandia before transferring to the navy flagship, which completed the trip up the river.
The King stepped ashore wearing a military uniform that had been presented to him on the Sri Ayuthaya. He was first greeted by Prince Rangsit of Chainat, his uncle and president of the regency council, which had ruled in the King’s stead for more than three years. The route to the Grand Palace, including a resplendent Ratchadamnoen Avenue, was bedecked with flags and lined with people, helping to make the King’s return a triumphal procession.

24 March 1950
The Return of the King
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej returned to Thailand for the first time since 1946. King Bhumibol’s 73 days in the kingdom were a momentous occasion marked by three significant events: the royal cremation of his brother, his marriage to MR Sirikit Kitiyakara, whom he met in Switzerland, and his official coronation as the King of Thailand.
King Bhumibol stepped off HMS Sri Ayuthaya at the Royal Landing on the Chao Phraya River shortly after 3pm to find hundreds of thousands of loyal subjects waiting to greet him. The King, accompanied by his fiancée, had travelled to Thailand on the Dutch steamer Selandia before transferring to the navy flagship, which completed the trip up the river.
The King stepped ashore wearing a military uniform that had been presented to him on the Sri Ayuthaya. He was first greeted by Prince Rangsit of Chainat, his uncle and president of the regency council, which had ruled in the King’s stead for more than three years. The route to the Grand Palace, including a resplendent Ratchadamnoen Avenue, was bedecked with flags and lined with people, helping to make the King’s return a triumphal procession.