22 April 1979
Samak scores a surprise election victory
Former Interior Minister Samak Sundaravej led his Prachakorn Thai Party to a stunning victory in Bangkok, taking 29 of the capital’s 32 seats in the House of Representatives. Former Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj’s Social Action Party (SAP), meanwhile, made spectacular gains in rural areas during the first general elections since 1976.
Samak’s win dealt a crushing defeat to the Democrats in Bangkok, their traditional stronghold. The Democrats also lost in many outlying constituencies, mainly to SAP candidates. The success of Prachakorn Thai Party was seen as a rejection of the Democrats by Bangkok voters, after the party’s lacklustre performance in government. However, Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanand retained his position, and was officially endorsed by the King in May.
Democrat Party leader, Seni Pramoj said upon defeat: ‘We will fight back. I had wanted to retire in six months but now I will remain.’ Seni, brother of SAP leader Kukrit, and the entire Democrat Party Central Committee resigned en masse in May, making way for a new committee to be elected.

22 April 1979
Samak scores a surprise election victory
Former Interior Minister Samak Sundaravej led his Prachakorn Thai Party to a stunning victory in Bangkok, taking 29 of the capital’s 32 seats in the House of Representatives. Former Prime Minister Kukrit Pramoj’s Social Action Party (SAP), meanwhile, made spectacular gains in rural areas during the first general elections since 1976.
Samak’s win dealt a crushing defeat to the Democrats in Bangkok, their traditional stronghold. The Democrats also lost in many outlying constituencies, mainly to SAP candidates. The success of Prachakorn Thai Party was seen as a rejection of the Democrats by Bangkok voters, after the party’s lacklustre performance in government. However, Prime Minister Kriangsak Chomanand retained his position, and was officially endorsed by the King in May.
Democrat Party leader, Seni Pramoj said upon defeat: ‘We will fight back. I had wanted to retire in six months but now I will remain.’ Seni, brother of SAP leader Kukrit, and the entire Democrat Party Central Committee resigned en masse in May, making way for a new committee to be elected.