5 October 1971
Jumbo welcome for new jets Larger Boeing 747s to open Thailand to increased tourism
The arrival of ‘jumbo jets’ marked the beginning of a new era in air travel in Thailand and would effectively boost the tourism industry, said Michael Springate, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Thailand manager on the occasion of the arrival of the first jumbo at Don Mueang Airport.
The 316-tonne Boeing 747 flew into Don Mueang on a test flight to allow Thai ground crew to practise working with the huge airliner.
A large crowd gathered at the airport to catch a sneak peek of the giant aeroplane before regular services began. The first scheduled jumbo flights to Don Mueang were three 747s—two belonging to Pan Am and another from KLM—that touched Passengers alight from the BOAC ‘jumbo jet’ down on October 31.

5 October 1971
Jumbo welcome for new jets Larger Boeing 747s to open Thailand to increased tourism
The arrival of ‘jumbo jets’ marked the beginning of a new era in air travel in Thailand and would effectively boost the tourism industry, said Michael Springate, British Overseas Airways Corporation (BOAC) Thailand manager on the occasion of the arrival of the first jumbo at Don Mueang Airport.
The 316-tonne Boeing 747 flew into Don Mueang on a test flight to allow Thai ground crew to practise working with the huge airliner.
A large crowd gathered at the airport to catch a sneak peek of the giant aeroplane before regular services began. The first scheduled jumbo flights to Don Mueang were three 747s—two belonging to Pan Am and another from KLM—that touched Passengers alight from the BOAC ‘jumbo jet’ down on October 31.