8 March 1974
Women’s rights group demands equality
In what the Bangkok Post described as the country’s first feminist protest, a small group of women demonstrated in front of Parliament demanding equal treatment under the law.
The Women’s Liberation Front claimed to have 20 members. ‘Thai law has denied women equal rights and liberty regardless of their ability. It’s high time we proved ourselves equal to men as we are no longer the hind legs of the elephant,’ group leader Veena Simtrakrew said, referring to the traditional Thai description of the role of women in society.
Meanwhile, on May 1, the country’s first public wedding between a ‘katoey’ (transsexual or transvestite) and their partner was held when Vinai Parkrasai married transsexual Bussara Phaetprasart before 200 guests at the Tarn Diew Restaurant. Although the wedding could not be legally registered because Bussara was a katoey, the pair said they were delighted. ‘We really love each other, and the registration will not stand in our way,’ Bussara said.

8 March 1974
Women’s rights group demands equality
In what the Bangkok Post described as the country’s first feminist protest, a small group of women demonstrated in front of Parliament demanding equal treatment under the law.
The Women’s Liberation Front claimed to have 20 members. ‘Thai law has denied women equal rights and liberty regardless of their ability. It’s high time we proved ourselves equal to men as we are no longer the hind legs of the elephant,’ group leader Veena Simtrakrew said, referring to the traditional Thai description of the role of women in society.
Meanwhile, on May 1, the country’s first public wedding between a ‘katoey’ (transsexual or transvestite) and their partner was held when Vinai Parkrasai married transsexual Bussara Phaetprasart before 200 guests at the Tarn Diew Restaurant. Although the wedding could not be legally registered because Bussara was a katoey, the pair said they were delighted. ‘We really love each other, and the registration will not stand in our way,’ Bussara said.